• Tab - Like other widgets, the jqxTree widget receives focus by tabbing into it. Once focus is received, users will be able to use the keyboard to change the selection. A second tab will take the user out of the widget.
  • Shift+Tab - reverses the direction of the tab order. Once in the widget, a Shift+Tab will take the user to the previous focusable element in the tab order.
  • Up and Down arrow keys - move between visible items.
  • Left Arrow key - on an expanded item, collapses the item.
  • Left Arrow key - on a collapsed or end item moves focus to the item's parent item.
  • Right Arrow key - on a collapsed item expands the item.
  • Right Arrow key - on an expanded item, moves to the first child item, or does nothing on an end item.
  • Home key - moves to the top item in the tree view.
  • End key - moves to the last item in the tree view.