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Professional profile

José Antonio Encinar is an Associate Professor (Profesor Titular de Universidad) of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Miguel Hernández de Elche University. He obtained his Ph.D. in Biochemistry-Neuroscience in 1998 from the Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante, where he was awarded the Extraordinary Doctoral Prize in the Neurosciences program. He completed two postdoctoral stays: one in Paris at the Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique under Prof. Philippe Devaux, and another in Heidelberg at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory under Prof. Luis Serrano.

Dr. Encinar's current research interests focus on the use of computational approaches for developing compounds that modulate the activity of proteins with biomedical relevance (cancer, obesity, diabetes). He employs molecular modeling, docking, and dynamics techniques to perform high-throughput screening of chemical libraries, selecting candidate compounds to modulate protein activity, which are subsequently tested in the lab.

To date, he has co-published 91 primary and review articles.

He is currently developing his research activity at the Institute for Research, Development and Innovation in Health Biotechnology of Elche (IDiBE).

As a professor, Dr. Encinar has participated in multiple teaching activities for the Bachelor degrees of Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science and Technology (EPSO-UMH).

Indicators of scientific productivity
  • 91 peer reviewed articles in international journals. Indicators according to google scholar (February 2025):
  • Total number of citations: 3225
  • Citations in the last 5 years: 1760
  • H index: 33
  • i10 index: 68
Contact address

Instituto de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación en Biotecnología Sanitaria de Elche (IDiBE).
Av. de la Universidad. Despacho 2,08. Edif. Torregaitan. E-03202. Elche. Alicante. Spain
Telephone number: + 34 96-665 8453

Academic background
Professional background
  • PhD student (fellowship of M.E.C.) at Instituto de Neurociencias. University of Alicante: 1994 - 1997.
  • Assistant professor (Ayudante L.R.U. type I) at Universidad Miguel Hernández of Elche: 1997 - 1999.
  • Assistant professor (Ayudante L.R.U. type II) at Universidad Miguel Hernández of Elche: 1999 - 2002.
  • Postdoctoral fellow at Department of Cell Biology and Histology, Academisch Medisch Centrum. University of Amsterdam: 1-VIII-2000 to 31-X-2000.
  • Postdoctoral fellow at Institut de Biologie Phisico-Chimique. Universitè Paris VII: 1-XI-2000 to 31-XI-2001.
  • Assistant professor (Profesor Colaborador-L.O.U.) at Universidad Miguel Hernández of Elche: 2002 - 2005.
  • Scientific Visitor at EMBL: Biostructure and Biocomputing group. Heidelberg: 2004 - 2006.
  • Assistant professor (Profesor Contratado Doctor) at Universidad Miguel Hernández of Elche: 2005 - 2009.
  • Associate professor (Profesor Titular de Universidad) at Universidad Miguel Hernández of Elche: 2009 - present.
Teaching activities
  • Bachelor's in Food Science and Technology.
  • Biochemistry. 1º course. 6 ECTS. Coordinator and professor.
  • Food Biochemistry. 2º course. 4.5 ECTS. Coordinator and professor.

Born in Cardeñosa (Ávila - Spain) in 1968.

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