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Ejemplos de scripts *.pml para Pymol y código para 3Dmol.js
# bg_colour black
# fondo blanco
bg_colour white
load D:\encinar\tempjant\85-FBP1-GSP1_Esteban\09-cluspro-docking-FBP1-h-m_tetramer\PTPRK-P35822-mouse_F\model09.pdb
color green, chain A
color cyan, chain B
color magenta, chain C
color yellow, chain D
# colorea de verde el objeto "rec.pdb"
color green, rec.pdb

sele resi 1100+1101+1102+1103+1104+1105+1106+1144+1068
show spheres, sele
color magenta, sele
sele resi 1100
show spheres, sele
color limon, sele
sele resi 1144
show spheres, sele
color limon, sele
sele resi 1063+1064+1065+1066+1067+1069+1070+1071
color marine, sele
sele resi 1005+1006+1007+1008+1009+1010+1011+1012
color marine, sele

sele resi 216+265
show spheres, sele
color marine, sele

select lig.000.09.pdb
show cartoon, sele
as surface, sele

set_view (\
    -0.607073724,    0.454063177,    0.652141690,\
     0.793980002,    0.313030809,    0.521159232,\
     0.032498430,    0.834169865,   -0.550550818,\
    -0.000046392,   -0.000016987, -282.834655762,\
   -26.281681061,   34.204669952,    3.500725746,\
   212.401077271,  353.269378662,  -20.000000000 )
### cut above here and paste into script ###
PTPRK and FBP1-tetramer